Friday, 24 July 2015

Developing USSD apps: Airtel Mobile money USSD app

NB: You can now read this post at my new site

I have just thought of this app right now because my MTN phone is out of battery otherwise we would have used the MTN mobile money app which is more popular in Uganda. Since I need to be navigating the menu as am developing the app, I will use my Airtel line.

If you are in Uganda, dial *185# on your Airtel line to follow along.

If you're not, no worries, these are just simple menus and you probably have something similar with your local MSP. All the same, your only hustle should be getting to grips with manipulating ussdmenu-server.jar libraries to your advantage.

From the last post, our servlet looked something like this, only that we have filled in some values to return, if left null, the system will default to its original values:

package com.egima.ussd;

import com.egima.ussdmenuserver.UssdReceiver;
import com.egima.ussdmenuserver.UssdTree;
 * @author Egima
public class MyUssdReceiver extends UssdReceiver {
       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

       public String getAppShortCode() {
             //can be any short code of your choice, we are just simulating
             return "*185#";
       public int getBufferLimit() {
             return 5;

       public String getUssdAppId() {
             return "appid";

       public String getUssdAppPassword() {
             return "password";

       public String getUssdClientUrl() {
             return "";

       public UssdTree getUssdTree() {
             return null;



From the above code, the only thing our servlet lacks is the UssdTree, and that is the most important part of our app. For clarity purposes, we shall move it to another class which subclasses UssdTree.

So create in the existing package and put the following code there. It's really self explanatory

package com.egima.ussd;

import java.util.HashMap;

import com.egima.ussdmenuserver.UssdNode;
import com.egima.ussdmenuserver.UssdPrompt;
import com.egima.ussdmenuserver.UssdTree;
 * @author Egima
public class MyTree extends UssdTree {

       public MyTree(String treeHeader) {

       private void initTree() {
             add first level children falling directly under root menu, give them suitable
             id's which must be unique across the whole tree
       addNode(new UssdNode("Send Money", "sendmoney", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Airtime/Data", "airtimedata", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Widthdraw Cash", "withdrawcash", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Pay Bill", "paybill", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Buy Goods", "buygoods", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Check Balance", "checkbalance", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Financial Services", "financialservices", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("My Account", "myaccount", "root"));
       addNode(new UssdNode("Messages", "messages", "root"));
        * add the children of each menu item in similar manner e.g for paybill item
        * ********************************************************************/
        addNode(new UssdNode("UMEME touchpay", "umeme", "paybill"));
        addNode(new UssdNode("NWSC eWater", "nwsc", "paybill"));
        addNode(new UssdNode("Pay TV", "paytv", "paybill"));
         * at this rate, you can pick on and supply menus to the rest, lets look at
         * a UssdPrompt
         * Assume on selecting UMEME touchpay option, you are asked for account number,
         * amount to pay and mobile money pin, each of which are prompts
        addNode(new UssdPrompt("Enter UMEME account No","umemeaccno","umeme") {
             public boolean validate(Object arg0) {
                     * probably here you'd check if the input account number is in your DB
                     * but lets assume there is only 1 client and his account number is 1100
                    String input=(String) arg0;
                    return "1100".equals(input);
             public String getValidationError() {
                     * Incase the account number is not valid
                    return "Unknown account number, please check your entry";
         * after the first prompt passes, the next prompt is called, so a prompt
         * must have only 1 child i.e the next prompt
        addNode(new UssdPrompt("How much do you want to pay","amount","umemeaccno") {
             public boolean validate(Object arg0) {
                     *since this is a cash amount, we shall just ensure it's a valid double
                     *figure greater than 0
                    double amount=0;
                           }catch(Exception e){
                                 return false;
                    return amount>0;
             public String getValidationError() {
                    return "Invalid cash amount";
         * finally we add another child to amount prompt to ask for the pin,
         * since this is the last prompt(has no children), we shall override the
         * processNodeEndEvent method to perform our session end processing
       addNode(new UssdPrompt("Enter Mobile money pin","pin","amount") {
             public boolean validate(Object arg0) {
                     * lets assume the pin is 4649, otherwise you'd check from the DB
                    return "4649".equals(arg0);
             public String getValidationError() {
                    return "Invalid pin";

             public String processNodeEndEvent(HashMap userData) {
                     * let's retrieve all the data we need now by node name
                    String accno=(String) userData.get("umemeaccno");
                    double amt=Double.parseDouble((String)userData.get("amount"));
                    String pin=(String) userData.get("pin");
                     * assume the initial balance was 300,000/= and we are going to deduct th
                     * input amount
                    double balance=300000-amt;
                     * just for clarity and understanding purposes, we shall send this
                     * data to display
                    StringBuilder data=new StringBuilder();
                    data.append("Dear customer
                    data.append("ACC NO:"+accno+"
                    return data.toString();


You can now return this new object in the servlet as our UssdTree like so:
       public UssdTree getUssdTree() {
             return new MyTree("Airtel Money");

Now redeploy your app and test from the simulator.

  • use the short code you set in the system for the app, or you can use others to test validation mechanism
  • select the pay bill option since it is what we have tackled so far
  • select umeme option 1
  • follow the prompts to input data according to the validation you had defined in the code, else you can test the validation with different data.
You can try out completing the menus and supplying them children as seen in the real app just to sharpen your skills at using the ussdmenu-server.jar lib.

It's friday guys, PARTY TIME, don't be like this

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice info and keep posting this kind of info and i would love to read more of this from you
    Mobile application development in Bangalore
