Friday, 25 March 2016

Android/CloudBoost: Push Notifications With JavaSDK and GCM (Google play services)

NB: you can now read this post at my new site:
CloudBoost has made several new developments to its ecosystem in the past few weeks. Some of which include:

  1. Swagger API documentation: getting your way around the raw REST API for CloudBoost is no trivial task. This is no surprise considering the complexity that has been abstracted away for the developer by this BaaS. This is why there is need for the Software Development Kits in different languages to further hide this complexity. However, for the hackers that want to dig in and inspect Request Bodies and Responses, the Swagger-UI was launched on 15th March,2016.

Monday, 14 March 2016

CloudBoost Android: CloudUser Demo

NB: you can now read this post on my new site 

In this post

We are going to look at how to take advantage of CloudBoost's CloudUser APIs to manage one of the most important parts of your app: User management.
Normally, when you are building an application with your own backend, you'd have to create a database for your users, create APIs for signup, login and logout. This can be quite cumbersome especially if you are new to user management. Additionally, you would have to create an engine for managing permissions of different categories of users to different parts of the app or a certain kind of data.